Charles Studio opened it's door on January 1, 1970, when a young and daring couple, Peggy and Charles Warfield, threw caution to the wind and pursued their dream of starting a photography business. Over the past 48 years, Charles Studio has evolved as our family has changed. In 2002 Alexa Warfield Bedwell left her computer career, had a baby, and joined the family business. She loved expanding the business and building a strong wedding and portrait brand while maintaining the sports, schools, and graduation photography that Charles had grown over the years.
Today, Charles Studio is going through another evolution. With Peggy's very sad passing in 2017, we are discontinuing the wedding and portrait portion of our business. Peggy was a huge contributor to the creative and editing process of weddings and portraits. She is irreplaceable. We feel that the best way to maintain quality customer service is to focus on sports, schools, corporate groups, and graduations.
We are very grateful for our previous customers. We know several excellent photographers and are happy to give you a recommendation for a photographer for your wedding or portrait.